sábado, 30 de abril de 2011

Hairless musclechub photoshop drawing

I like this one a lot because I used, as the basis, a picture of a really hot guy. I did an outline using his pic, but getting the lines a bit away from the real contour to make him bigger and thicker. Then I started to shade it by using flat colors, but I changed my mind and I used more shade levels blending them afterwards using some blur to create real volume in his chest, belly and arms. I hope you like the result.

lunes, 25 de abril de 2011

Watercolor bodybuilder

I did this ilustration on paper looking at a picture of a bodybuilder that I found kind of sexy in a bodybuilding magazine. I enjoyed using watercolors on it, but it was tricky. Of course I changed features and sizes here and there to make him look more the way I wanted.

miércoles, 20 de abril de 2011

A mix of many things

This is an ilustration I made by, first, morphing a picture of a very hot guy to give him more muscle, volume and some belly. Then I gave several treatments to the image to make it look more like an ilustration, also I drew the background, the outline and I added to him a beard.